The handout for Standing Stretches will be on my website next week under the "Workouts" tab. This is for those of you who spend hours on your
feet. Get creative about where/when you
can sneak these in.
Feedback- Who Ya'Going To Trust A colleague reminded me of another way to think about the reliability of sources of information. A primary source describes the original research
that was done. For example, a study on
effects of a supplement on exercise. A secondary source discusses the research
and may compare it to other studies. This might be a professional journal reporting on exercise studies. A tertiary
source might be a popular magazine, newspaper or television report.

Third Week Slump. Have the crowds thinned out at your gym? The third week of January is the key according
to the Wall Street Journal. One fourth of the folks who made weight loss
or exercise resolutions have dropped out already according to researchers at
the University of Scranton. And only 8%
of the 45% of Americans who make resolutions follow through.
How Not Be A Drop Out
– my alter ego - TrainerMom has some professional advice:

Make specific plans as to when and where you will act – "after breakfast on Sunday, I will go to the gym".
Lay out your shoes,
clothes and get
your breakfast or shake ready to go. Likewise, with anything else you need for
the day – lunch, change of clothes, and so forth.
Tell a friend
you’re doing a work out Plan to call/meet them afterwards to check in.
Do it, feel good about yourself, and repeat.
Consult a
Yes, I’m in the business, but honestly,
doesn’t it make sense to get advice that’s been scientifically vetted rather
than pick up a Men’s Health workout that’s way above your ability? It’s a sure formula for getting injured and
giving up your exercise goal. And by the way, we really have heard all the excuses.

The folks at Exercise Is Medicine, a branch of the American College of Sports Medicine would like you to consider exercise as medicine in an active form. You’ll be hearing more about them as the program grows. Expect to be asked about exercise at your yearly physicals. Kaiser already has this built into their interview forms so doctors & nurses don’t forget to ask.
Today’s Recipe
Its Super Bowl Weekend - a potential calorie trap of 925 calories from the first to fourth quarters, according to WebMD. TrainerMom recommends being aware of your serving sizes and particularly aware of your liquid calories. That said - get some exercise & enjoy the game! More recipes and tips can be found on the WebMD link above.
From the good folks at the American Institute For Cancer Research comes this hearty soup packed with flavor and the healthy antioxidant lycopene. Each serving has only 71 calories and 64mg of sodium. Serve in mugs, and perhaps with some whole wheat crackers or croutons.
From the good folks at the American Institute For Cancer Research comes this hearty soup packed with flavor and the healthy antioxidant lycopene. Each serving has only 71 calories and 64mg of sodium. Serve in mugs, and perhaps with some whole wheat crackers or croutons.
Tomato Soup
1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 cup chopped onion
1/3 cup chopped scallions, green and white parts
1 (28-oz.) can no-salt added whole tomatoes in tomato sauce
3 marinated sun-dried tomato halves, rinsed and chopped
1 tsp. dried basil
1/2 tsp. sugar
1 cup low-sodium tomato juice
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Garlic croutons, if desired, for garnish

Using immersion blender, food processor or regular blender, purée soup
until it is pulpy to smooth, as you prefer. Blend in tomato juice. Season soup
to taste with salt and pepper. Serve immediately, garnished with croutons, if
using. Or cool soup and refrigerate, tightly covered, for up to 3 days.
Makes 6
servings. Per
serving: 71 calories, 2.5 g fat (< 1 g sat fat), 12 g carbohydrates, 2 g
protein 2 g fiber, 64 mg sodium.
See the original recipe here.
Super Bowl Bonus - A Guacamole Makeover
With the Super Bowl coming up, I was looking for a lower calorie guacamole recipe. With only 76.4 calories per serving (recipe makes 8 servings), this is the skinniest guacamole recipe my research unearthed. Yes, it still has 6.7 g of fat, but it’s mostly mono & polyunsaturated fat. The recipe works by diluting the avocado with the cucumber.

2 ripe avacadoes, peeled & chopped
1/3 medium organic (if available) cucumber, chopped
1/3 medium onion, chopped (author used red)
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tsp cumin powder
1 squeeze lemon (about 1-2 Tbsp)
Salt to taste (about 1/2 tsp)
Add all ingredients to blender or food processor & process till desired consistency. Add salt to taste. Serve chilled. Enjoy with your favorite chips or tortillas.
Makes 8 servings. Per serving: 77.4 calories, 6.7g fat (0.9gm sat fat), 4.7g carbohydrates, 1 g protein, sodium - 143.8mg. Original recipe.
TrainerMom's Notes: Its the added vegetables that reduce the calories in the recipe. Try adding some chopped tomato after ingredients are blended. Reduce amount of salt by using less than indicated. While chips may never be totally healthy, you might try finding a baked chip. Or even better, serve with veggies.
Coming Soon - answers to the top two questions a trainer gets – “how do I start” and “what should I eat”. Hints – slowly, following good advice. And eat real food, following the Dietary Guidelines. More detail to follow.
© Fitness Spark Personal Training, January, 2015.